THW Inspections

*Onsite visits (usually 48-72 hours) based on the requirements of your insurance policy or your needs. *Multipoint inspection of the home interior looking for obvious issues. *Multipoint inspection of the home exterior and property looking for obvious issues. *Documented reports as proof for insurance if ever needed. *Remove newspaper and collect mail.

Additional Services

*Temporary I.P. cameras (WIFI REQUIRED). Providing instant alerts, monitoring and evidence should someone enter the home. *Key holding service *Prep and support to best secure your home and deter thieves from entering the house. *Grass cutting *Indoor and outdoor plant care *Pet care *Garden maintenance *Vehicle care *Pool and hot tub maintenance If you are in need of a unique property service, please contact us.


*Groceries for your return *Light house cleaning *LCBO pickup


Do you have a home that has not sold yet and is sitting vacant. Allow us to relieve some of the burden until this residence sells. *viewing prep and interior cleaning *lawn and garden care

Airbnb owners

Do you have an Airbnb property that is too far away or that you can't get to before the next clients arrive? *Cleaning and prep *Lawn and garden care *Plant care