Why use a home watch service?

When considering who you would like to watch your home while you are away, you may find yourself thinking, "why pay for a service when I can have my neighbour or family member stop in to check my house?" But what if...
What if a serious problem arises? Would they know how to deal with it safely and quickly? Would they know what to look for or how to identify certain problems? Can they provide proof to insurance of their visits should a claim be needed? Faulty electrical, failed appliances, plumbing leaks, pests, thieves, squatters and storm damage are all realistic concerns.
What if someone is in the house when they arrive? Would they be prepared for this situation and know how to react? Would they be able to identify entry points by both pests and humans?
Friends and family would almost never say no if you ask them to watch your home, but this can be an added burden and a big responsibility for already busy people. Your home and your possessions are of extreme importance and value.  Limiting the risk of damage and theft while you are away is our top priority.

How much does the home watch service cost

Basic home watch starts at $30/visit

Your location, visit frequency and the services you select will determine the cost. Other factors such as the size of the house and property, number of additional buildings to be checked will affect the price.

How often would you come to my home?

The frequency of visits is determined by you. Prior to you leaving we will work out a schedule that meets your needs and budget.

What happens if you find something wrong

You will be contacted immediately and informed of the problem. We will support and follow your instructions to ensure the problem is contained and resolved.